
Friday, December 14, 2012

Arts/Cultural Oppurtunity: Bruce Springsteen Concert

In the summer before classes started this fall at school, Penn State announced that Bruce Spring, “the boss”, was going to heading through State College for his “Wrecking Ball Tour”.  When I found out the news, I was beyond excited and made sure that I got my tickets as quickly as could, completely disregarding the high price for them.  I have been a huge Bruce Springsteen fan my entire life.  I first introduced to him, when my dad would constantly play his songs, while telling me how talented and special Bruce really is.  As the school year started in the fall, I began to count down the days till the concert.
When the day finally came, I could not control my excitement as I walked into the massive Bryce Jordan Center.  The place was completely sold out and everyone seemed just as excited as me to see him live.  The atmosphere was absolutely electrifying, with constant chants of “Bruce!  Bruce!”, echoing throughout the venue.  Unlike many other concerts, Bruce did not have an opening band for him.  When Bruce finally walked out on the stage with his guitar wrapped around him, the crowd went absolutely crazy.
Throughout the entirety of the concert, I was on my feet, singing, dancing, screaming and having a great time.  The rest of crowd was just as involved as me, singing and dancing their hearts out.  At 62 years old, Bruce Springsteen is out of his prime in singing and performing, but he did not let down at all.  Many people say that Bruce is one of the best live performers in the history of music, and I cannot help but agree with that.  He was constantly engaged with the crowd throughout the entirety of the concert.  He would pull people onto stage, share the microphone with fans and truly put his heart into the performance.  He played a bunch of his classic songs along with some of his new ones from his more recent albums.  The concert lasted close to 4 hours long.  Anyone who has the opportunity to Bruce Springsteen live should definitely do it.  He is truly an amazing performer that can grasp the feeling and emotions of the crowd, regardless if the people are big fans of his or not.

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